FEATURES PAGE - the site's toolbox At the bottom of every toolbox is a jumble of mixed up items that haven't found a home elsewhere - they'll no doubt be very useful one day, but there's nowhere to store them. That's the purpose of this page - a repository for everything that doesn't fit under the other headings. Happy Browsing! | |
1970s Castrol adverts featuring Len Jackson and his Jensen 541 A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF THE 541 DESIGNER Eric was responsible for the shape of the Jensen 541 and also the 1950's Interceptor, the CV8, and the P66 prototype. Following a productive career, he enjoyed a long retirement during which he was happy to support numerous JOC events, before his passing in 1997. Click the above link button to find out more about Eric. A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF THE 541 ENGINEER Colin was the Chief Draughtsman in charge of the 541 and 541R; in effect the main engineer in a drawing office that housed no more than five staff including the "Girl Friday". He left before the C-V8 was introduced, moving on to less exciting work at Rover, Scammell and Aston Martin, and following battles against ill health he died in the 1980s. Click the above link button to find out more about Colin.
Click above for PDF copy - created by the AA and provided by Mike Byrne: 541 WORKSHOP MANUAL COMPLILATION With no offical 541 Workshop Manual, owners have to search through contemporary manuals for cars with similar mechanicals, such as the Princess or Jaguar. Mike Byrne has put his (considerable) experience of 541's distilled into one place - it's like living inside Mike's head for a day... It includes all the build sheets and a complete photo restoration of a 541 car. With nearly 3GB of information now on there, and still growing daily, it is now available on a memory stick. Price is £40.00 including post and packing, Paypal only please. For details, email mikebyrne611@btinternet.com STOLEN 541 - STILL MISSING Keep your eyes open for any leads! If anyone suspects they have seen the 541R car "NOA 45", or parts from it (parts can usually be identified and breaking it multiplies the chance of detection), contact the UK police as it was stolen in Cumbria some years ago. Or contact the dealer "Bobs Affordable Classics" from Knowle, Solihull : - he may still be offering an eyewateringly large reward for its safe return. Phone Number: 01564 779746 Click above for the story of Roderick Groundes-Peace's 541S restoration: A huge scoop for Jensen 541.com! Brian Galpin has presented aspects of his 541 rebuild in "Graphic Novel" cartoon panel style - well worth a viewing. He is no longer running his own website, so he has agreed to let them be featured on this site until he needs them again. There are 18 panels in all; click above for the first, dealing with remanufacturing the spring panel. LOOKING FOR AN OLD NEWS ITEM? There is now an Old News button at the top of every page. Remember, they may be out of date! |